Wai Wah Auto Mobile Repair Company

Wai Wah was founded in 1993 as a contractor of bus maintenance and repairing. In a few short years the company established a reputation for high quality bus repairing services in the Hong Kong domestic markets.

In these years, Wai Wah have become a key contractor of a wide range of bus maintenance services to all HK public bus companies including KMB, CityBus and New World First Bus.

Wai Wah obtained a quality management system ISO9001 certification, the global standard of quality assurance, in 2002. Since then, we have enlarged the scope of activity covered by the certificate through continuous improvement so that we could provide high quality services at any time.

偉華公司於1993 年成立. 主要從事巴士保養及維修的承判工程. 在成立後的短短數年間, 公司在香港本地巴士維修市場中建立了高品質的良好商譽.

這幾年, 偉華已成為香港各大公共運輸公司的主要維修保養承辦商. 主要客戶包括: 九巴, 城巴及新巴等.

自2002年起, 偉華公司獲得品質管理系統 ISO9001 認証. 一直以來, 公司不斷持續改進務求任何時間都為客戶提供高質素的服務.



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